




What I Did?

UI/UX Design, Frontend Development


Following the announcement of the 59th State Competition "Youth Science", I decide to show off my web application development skills in this competition with decades-long history.

I schemed all the features that this web application would have and started building it. The whole thing lays in the strategy to attract gamers to play on this platform.

In the end, I got awarded a silver medal, in the discipline of computer programming.

The homepage and component examples of the project.
Overview of the Quizzical project.

The Problem & Inspiration

I wanted to create a gamified quiz app that seemed appealing mostly to gamers. I noticed that they were spending too much time and energy to level up in video games, so I thought: "Why not redirect that valuable time and effort into something more insightful?".

So I came up with the idea of a gamified quiz platform. As an ex-gamer myself, I had a clear image of what made video games interesting. It was the competitiveness and ranking systems.

How the website looks on mobile screens.

More details are on the way!